All for One is about three college bound Asian girls who seek revenge for the killing of their friend because there is little outcry over this Asian hate crime. The film stars Emily Ma, Rachael Chau, Morgan Lui, Jame Battisti, Michael DeGrandpre, Lucas DeNies, Fran Mae and Justin Prince Moy. Written & Directed by Paul Chau
Life of an Actress The Musical stars Taylor Louderman, Orfeh, Allison Case, Bart Shatto and Xavier Cano. Produced, Written & Directed by Paul Chau
Another Soul is a Thriller/Horror film that stars Wyatt Kuether, Brianne Wigeland, Anthony Misiano, Tia Link and Sarah Smithton. Produced, Written & Directed by Paul Chau
Scalp is a thriller film that stars Jaclynn Doucette, Carrie Drapac, David Holt, Patrick Cohen and Amy Rutlege. Produced, Written and Directed by Paul Chau
The Documentary profiles the life of actresses through the eyes of 11 actresses that range from age 23 - 70. Produced by Paul Chau